I posted an iced coffee recipe about two years ago and wanted to update it with the little changes I have made since. Latest Videos I love iced coffee during the summer and this saves me about $4 a pop because I can skip that Starbucks drive-thru. This is really easy to whip up at...
用料 Cold Brewed Coffee 冰滴咖啡的做法 先称好40g的咖啡豆,本人喜欢发酵的热带水果风味,所以用了20g日晒花魁和20g日晒瑰夏。 用鬼齿大概6刻度的研磨度,磨豆后将细粉筛走。 滤纸先用热水洗净,然后金属滤片放其上面,再将40g磨好的咖啡粉倒入并铺平。 很多人问我做冰滴时要不要预浸泡,预浸泡的水还要不要。我...
Cold Brewed Coffee 冰滴咖啡的做法步骤 步骤1 先称好40g的咖啡豆,本人喜欢发酵的热带水果风味,所以用了20g日晒花魁和20g日晒瑰夏。 步骤2 用鬼齿大概6刻度的研磨度,磨豆后将细粉筛走。 步骤3 滤纸先用热水洗净,然后金属滤片放其上面,再将40g磨好的咖啡粉倒入并铺平。 步骤4 很多人问我做冰滴时要不要预浸...
It is nice that you can also use it for tea, though, and the Ninja recipe book offers some interesting possibilities for expanding your tea pallette. Using the Attached Frother Regardless of what kind of coffee or tea you make, you might find the need to add some foamed milk. This usual...
Summer is about road trips, hikes in cool forests, ice cream cones, toes in the sand, jangly pop songs and iced tea. All things are high up on my summer list.
【How to Make Cold-Brewed Coffee 如何制作冰泡咖啡】1.参考我用的咖啡粉;2.将咖啡粉放入容器底部;3.缓缓加入冰水(国外帖子上说冰水或者常温水都行,我只试过冰水)到容器内;4.慢慢地搅拌,标准是确保咖啡粉全部被水浸泡;5.放入冰箱冷藏(国外帖子上是容器在室内常温