Cold War, A series of conflicts, compromises, and competitions between the capitalist US and the communist Soviet Union to influence other countries into allying with one side or the other A series of conflicts, compromises, and competitions between the capitalist US and the communist Soviet Union...
Origins of the Cold War The Cold War Growing Distrust In the final months of the war, the Allies met at Yalta to discuss the end of the War, Cold War Era SSUSH20. Bellringer Look at Causes and Effects of the Cold War. Pg 784 Look at Causes and Effects of the Cold War. Pg 784 ...
Vocab Pg. 965 Iron Curtain; United Nations; Satellite States; Policy of Containment; Arms Race (Brinkmanship); Domino Theory; Truman Doctrine; Marshall. The Cold War Social Political Economic. World War II & The Iron Curtain. The Big Three Josef Stalin Winston Churchill Franklin D. Roosevelt U...
Communism vs. Capitalism Democracy vs. Dictatorship War of Ideology Communism vs. Capitalism Democracy vs. Dictatorship Freedom vs. Tyranny The Cold War was "cold" because there was not a real war or battles directly against the other. It was a war of words and threats (there were a few sm...
Cold War Unit Test Review The Cold War What was the “Cold” War? Intense political rivalry and mistrust between the U.S. and the Soviet Union No physical fighting between the 2 countries Various “satellite” wars (Korea, Vietnam) as the U.S. instituted its containment policy ...
What was the Cold War?. Advertisements Get out your Vocab assignment. Look at the political cartoon on page 4- what does it mean to you? starter activity By the 1970s the US and the USSR each had enough nuclear weapons to blow the world up several times over. Can you explain ...
From World War to Cold War Chapter 18 Section 5 From World War to Cold War Setting the Scene "Give me ten years and you will not be able to recognize Germany,” said Hitler in 1933. His prophecy proved correct— although not in the way he had intended. In 1945, Germany was an unrec...
The Cold War [ ]: An Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL spread world- wide. I. Cold War ( ) -WWII?KABOOM! -Arms Race began in 1945. 30 for 30 – of miracles and men itunes – red army. Vocab Pg. 965...
Part Two 70 mins Depth Study – Causes and Events of the 1st World War 1890 -1918 Why was there increasing tension between the Great Powers, 1890–1914? Why did the First World War break out in 1914? What happened on the Western Front? How important were the other fronts?
7.5a- The Cold War 7.5a Analyze the impact of the Cold War on national security and individual freedom, including the containment policy and the role of military alliances, the effects of the “Red Scare” and McCarthyism, the conflicts in Korea and the Middle East, the Iron Curtain and ...