The 45-year standoff between the West and the U.S.S.R. ended when the Soviet Union dissolved. Some say another could be starting as tensions with Russia rise.
Vietnam Memorial: 58,175 cold, hard facts of warJack Schnedler
Pork Chop Hill’s unvarnished critique of an often confused and clumsy US war machine is notable, and one element of the film that feels like a rough but coherent draft for a later era of films, particularly those made and set in the Vietnam era, even if ultimately steers clear of the ...
lost the Vietnam War was the reaction of the American people, who could no longer tolerate an uncertain struggle against a people who had nothing to lose. In this sense, Vietnam can be considered as an unfinished war rather than a lost war. The Vietnam War proved that in a period of ...
West Germany was created in 1949 when the United States, Great Britain, and France consolidated those zones, or portions, of Germany that they had occupied at the end of World War II. When West and East Germany were reunited in 1990, West Germany’s constitution and official name (Federal ...
The Cold War conflicts included the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and the Afghanistan War. These were fought by the great powers against lesser powers. What were 3 Cold War conflicts? Three Cold War conflicts are the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Afghanistan War fought by the USSR...
Cold War: Con Kenneth Branagh, Anatoli Dobrynin, Robert McNamara, Vladimir Yerofeyev. Una rassegna che tratta delle relazioni tra Stati Uniti, Unione Sovietica e i rispettivi alleati tra la fine della seconda guerra mondiale e il crollo dell'Unione Sovie
“In this rich and innovative new book, David Biggs considers the spatial dimension of the war in Vietnam, through an examination of the densely layered militarized landscapes around Hu . The result is a gem, a fluid, authoritative, compelling work that shows just how deep, complex, and long...
Cold War influenced the ways of life in the two nations directly, including the nuclear arms race, the race to launch a human into space, and political proxy wars such as the Vietnam War, where America became heavily involved. This lesson will explain how the Cold War began,...
The Gulf War, or 'Operation Desert Storm,' was a conflict in Iraq that contributed to the end of the Cold War. Learn how the dissolving of the...