The first use of the term to describe the post–World War II geopolitical tensions between the USSR and its satellites and the United States and its western European allies is attributed to Bernard Baruch, an American financier and presidential advisor.[3] In South Carolina, on April 16, 1947...
Cold War Israeli Armor M-51 State of Israel (1961-2006) Medium Tank – 180 Converted The M-51 was a medium tank developed on the M4 Sherman chassis for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to support the M-50s with a more powerful gun. It was used in the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the...
Wikipedia Related to COLD:cold war,cold treatment,Cold sores AcronymDefinition COLDChronic Obstructive Lung Disease(medical) COLDComputer Output to Laser Disc COLDComputer Output to Laser Disk COLDComputer On-Line Data COLDCouncil Of Library Directors ...
Cold War French Prototypes Spähpanzer 1C France/Federal Republic of Germany (1955?-1961) Anti-Tank Reconnaissance Vehicle – 1 to 2 Prototypes Built With the formation of the Bundeswehr in 1955, the new army of West Germany, a decision was made to acquire small tracked armored ...
Google Share on Facebook in cold blood Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to in cold blood:Truman Capote (blŭd) n. 1. a.The fluid consisting of plasma, blood cells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carryin...
During World War II, the Allied invasion of Normandy was set for June 5, 1944. To avoid referring to the date, for security reasons, the code word D-day was adopted. Hostile weather conditions, however, forced the postponement of this famous D-day until the next day. The term is ...
The difficulties that the world has experienced since the end of the cold war have meant that the democratic dividend for the vast majority of countries involved in the transition to democracy has not yet arrived. 自冷战结束以来,世界经历了很多困难,这些困难意味着,对于向民主政体转型的绝大多数国家...
“iron curtain”: A term indicating the imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. Warsaw Pact: A collective defense treaty among the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Centra...
Side effects may include gastrointestinal distress and dizziness, and renal impairment has been reported in some instances with long-term use. The drugs should not be used by those who are allergic to aspirinaspirin,acetyl derivative of salicylic acid (see salicylate) that is used to lower fever...
muscular form of rollback years earlier. To these scholars, U.S. efforts to liberate areas under Moscow's control indicate that American foreign policy in the early Cold War was not as defensive and fundamentally nonaggressive as the term "containment" implies or as earlier historiography ...