MOSCOW (AP) — Russia and the United States aren’t in a new Cold War despite spiraling tensions, a senior Russian diplomat said in remarks released Wednesday. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov denounced U.S. sanctions against Russia, but emphasized that the current tension “isn’t equival...
During his election campaigns, President Trump repeatedly demonstrated his eagerness to bury the hatchet with Russia and work with President Putin to resolve the protracted Syrian and Afghan conflicts. This led the liberals in the US to challenge the pessimistic view of the realists by foreseeing ...
Meanwhile, Russia and China are carefully positioning themselves in this new order. Russia’s relationship with Turkey, while pragmatic, could face strains if their interests clash in Syria or the Caucasus. China is strengthening ties with both Iran and the Gulf states, seeking...
[ Haslam, Jonathan, Russia's Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall, New Haven, Yale University Press 2011, pp.135.]同时,第三世界的共产党人在他们国家策划革命的情况使得双方难以缓解关系。苏联对埃及的支持,是希望通过围绕苏伊士运河的争夺以破坏美国的在中东封堵苏联的计划,使...
OSLO, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- With around 50,000 participants from 31 countries, NATO on Thursday launched its biggest military exercise since the end of the Cold War in Norway, as Russia has complained the alliance's levels of military activities near its borders. ...
Bilateral relations between China and Russia differ from the kind of military-political alliance seen during the Cold War. Instead, the two countries transcend such a model of state-to-state relations, adopting an approach of no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party, accordi...
However, it doesn't look like the installation of an American missile defense shield in Europe would lead to a major security crisis between the US and Russia since there is sufficient evidence of softening tensions as US-Russian high level negotiations go ahead. This is perhaps where the ...
Using extensive materials from both published and private sources, this concise text focuses on U.S./Soviet diplomacy to explain the causes and consequences of the Cold War. The thesis allows for use of anecdote and quotation to exemplify the policies. 作者简介 ··· ◆著者简介◆——— ...
BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should hold dialogue with Russia, rather than start a new Cold War, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said Friday. China always believes that security is indivisible. Seeking bloc con...
They agreed on many points: The establishment of the United Nations Division of Germany into four zones Free elections allowed in the states of Eastern Europe Russia’s promise to join the war against Japan No agreement was reached on Poland. Cold War Characteristics Key Concept: How did the ...