Cold War US Unarmored Vehicles Crawler-Crusher, or “The Monster” As far back as 1565 with Governor Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, when Florida was ruled by Spain, people have dreamed of cutting a waterway across it to shorten the voyage to the Gulf of Mexico from the east coast of America...
This article considers the principal changes that have occurred in the illicit arms trade across the Cold War and post-Cold War periods. It discusses the changed nature of demand and the sources and means of illicitly supplying arms to areas of conflict.
ARoAI is updated to version 1.3.3 with support of Victoria 3 patch 1.2.7, but its further developmentis suspended.Any person or a group of people have my permission to do whatever they want with the mod, the only requirement is to mention that your work is based on it. Check this rep...
The world craves a leader. At last, your time has come. Relive the tension and uncertainty of the Cold War. As the 1950’s approach, the Korean War looms, the Arms Race intensifies, the Berlin Crisis leads to the formation of NATO, and the world anticipa
In the Cold War era, superpower joint projects have also been added to simulate the second detente and the gradual normalisation of relations between the east and west. Losing wars has also become more dangerous with the possibility of the UNSC approving a war crimes trial to punitively punish...
An analysis of the state of these poles, their internal problems and the processes guiding their development, is the key to understanding the nature of the new Cold War, stabilizing it, and minimizing the danger it poses. 3. The Western pole: Decline and resistance In ideological dimension ...
versity Library, Victoria Zabohlsky and the team of librarians in interlibrary loan tracked down obscure conference proceedings and limited-circulation re- ports. In doing so, they signi~cantly reduced the amount of research travel needed to complete this project. At the Johns Hopkins University Pr...
Latest Fact Check: Illegal mosque being demolished in India? No, this video is from Indonesia Mokeri College’s new center to bridge Industry-Academia gap Thousands of women brave scorching sun to offer pongala at Attukal Bhagavathy temple Street vendor killed as police jeep overturns in Kerala...
PL002 Georgiana Necula-Petrareanu 1, Paris Lavin 2, Victoria Ioana Paun 1, Giulia Roxana Gheorghita 1, Alina Vasilescu 3 and Cristina Purcarea 1,* 1 Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, 296 Splaiul Independentei, 060031 Bucharest, Romania; (G.N....