Cold War follows the story of a freelance journalist who finds himself in the midst of an international conspiracy that aims to control the U.S.S.R. Twelve hours after arriving in Moscow for a routine story, he has been stripped of all possessions, beaten unconscious and thrown into the ...
Main article: Cold War (1947–1953) Cominform and the Tito–Stalin split Further information: Cominform and Tito–Stalin split In September 1947, the Soviets created Cominform, the purpose of which was to enforce orthodoxy within the international communist movement and tighten political control over...
AbstractforKennedy, Bush and Crisis Management | PDF (83 KB) 410 Views 0 CrossRef citations 0Altmetric Article Diplomacy and the Legacy of the Cold War: Post-11 September V. Mastny Pages: 15-28 Published online: 06 Sep 2010 AbstractforDiplomacy and the Legacy of the Cold War: Post-11...
As light was cast on the past clandestine intelligence and propaganda struggles between East and West, there would be an assessment of who won the elaborate game of Cold War espionage. And there would be accountability -...
The 45-year standoff between the West and the U.S.S.R. ended when the Soviet Union dissolved. Some say another could be starting as tensions with Russia rise.
West Germany, from 1949 to 1990, a republic consisting of the western two-thirds of what is now Germany. West Germany was created in 1949 when theUnited States, Great Britain, andFranceconsolidatedthose zones, or portions, of Germany that they had occupied at the end ofWorld War II. When...
On the Front Lines of the Cold War: An American Correspondent's Journal from the Chinese Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam by Seymour Topping Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 2010, 435 pp. Reviewed by Pamela Ann Parry Belmont University PDF Access options...
Also known as: Second World War, WWII Written by Thomas A. Hughes, John Graham Royde-Smith•All Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Last Updated: Oct 23, 2024 • Article History Also called: Second World War Date: September 3, 1939 - September 2, 1945 Particip...
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The Impact of the Cold War on Germany's Immigration and Citizenship Policies from 1945 to 2000 - Politics - Bachelor Thesis 2002 - ebook 3.99 € - GRIN