Half a century after the CIA’s Secret War in Laos—the largest bombing campaign in history—explosive remnants of war continue to be part of people’s everyday lives. InBomb ChildrenLeah Zani offers a perceptive analysis of the long-term, often subtle, and unintended effects of massive air ...
Cold War – Year of Miracles: Freedom Floods Eastern Europe In February 1989, Václav Havel was jailed in Prague for participating in human rights protests, but the protests continued. After months of strikes, roundtable talks began in Poland between leaders of the still-outlawed Solidarity union ...
Lots of vehicles and jeeps in attendance including the cockpit of an RAF Jet Provost trainer aircraft. There were a number of Cold War British Army displays showing off British Army of the Rhine and Falklands War era kit along with a few Land Rovers. Next to them was a really interesting ...
One War At A Time by Chris Adams Thursday August 8, 5 PM; 3 hrs 45 min; 1 round Characters Provided. # Players 2-8. Mature players. Complexity: Hard. Experience: Some experience with CºNTINUUM required. CºNTINUUM v. 1.1 Someone of Antony's experience should never have fallen ...
Mi-24 is among the venerable assault helicopter gunship built by the Soviets during the Cold War era that made it through the present day.
These notes on the Kadare case are helpful in contextualizing his oeuvre; but more importantly, they serve as a counterbalance to the international critical praise of Kadare’s work. The Western press applauds his ability to speak about the human condition through his allegories. Kadare has been...
Foundations who had formerly enjoyed a near monopoly sponsoring such things as part of the post-WWII cultural war against communism. Stafford notes that “the man who impressed Ottawa with his love of the arts had also played an important part in the history of Anglo-Ca...
Elsewhere the small S-21 staffcompiled thousands of dossiers on each prisoner, including mug shots, auto-biographical confessions, and interrogation notes. Party veteran Comrade Duchran the site.40At first a prison for a few hundred Lon Nol loyalists and otheralleged enemies from the civil war, ...
The fort served as a prison during the Civil War, requiring over 16 million bricks to complete, with many shipped from Maine. Guided snorkeling tours of the fort's underwater ruins provide colorful fish and reefs, and encounters with wildlife like sea turtles, from which the island draws its...
Abstract The end of the Cold War ushered in a new opportunity for East-west cooperation, especially within the UN Security Council to build a truly global organisation capable of meeting the aspirations of the founding fathers of the UN. This “new” UN Security Council would be able to respo...