- Events of the Cold War - People of the Cold War - Terms of the Cold War - The Korean War - Kennedy and Liberalism - Fall of the Soviet Union - End of the Cold War The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Sovie...
3 Command [C] part of an army, air force, etc organized and controlled separately (单独组织指挥的)陆军、 空军等的一部分; 部队; 军区: Western Command 西部部队 *| Bomber Command 轰炸机组的指挥部. 4 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) ability to use or control sth; mastery 使用或控制某事物的能力;...
The ravages of the "hot war" left the world's greatest empires in financial ruin, and world mastery seemed to be going to a pair of nations which were considered second-rate powers at the dawn of the century, America and Russia. America had been seen as almost a dumping ground for ...
3 Command [C] part of an army, air force, etc organized and controlled separately (单独组织指挥的)陆军、 空军等的一部分; 部队; 军区: Western Command 西部部队 *| Bomber Command 轰炸机组的指挥部. 4 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) ability to use or control sth; mastery 使用或控制某事物的能力;...
Soviet Union - Cold War, Glasnost, Perestroika: Khrushchev had a vision for the Soviet Union: a land of plenty where democracy, guided by the party, reigned. He was prevented from being very radical in most policy areas by the conservative majority on th