This nocturnal shift in the war over the peninsula saw night fighting transitioning from a mostly tactical affair, involving aircraft raiding or defending frontline positions at night, to a strategic one that pitted each side’s most advanced aircraft against one another over control of the northern...
- Events of the Cold War - People of the Cold War - Terms of the Cold War - The Korean War - Kennedy and Liberalism - Fall of the Soviet Union - End of the Cold War The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Sovie...
3 Command [C] part of an army, air force, etc organized and controlled separately (单独组织指挥的)陆军、 空军等的一部分; 部队; 军区: Western Command 西部部队 *| Bomber Command 轰炸机组的指挥部. 4 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) ability to use or control sth; mastery 使用或控制某事物的能力;...
The ravages of the "hot war" left the world's greatest empires in financial ruin, and world mastery seemed to be going to a pair of nations which were considered second-rate powers at the dawn of the century, America and Russia. America had been seen as almost a dumping ground for ...
Soviet Union - Cold War, Glasnost, Perestroika: Khrushchev had a vision for the Soviet Union: a land of plenty where democracy, guided by the party, reigned. He was prevented from being very radical in most policy areas by the conservative majority on th
cold war state of hostility between nations involving the use of propaganda, threats and economic pressure but no actual fighting 冷战: [attrib 作定语] cold-war attitudes, diplomacy, rhetoric 冷战的态度、 外交、 辞令. cold / kEUld; kold/ n 1 [U] lack of heat or warmth; low temperature ...