1965-1973: The Vietnam war Since the present chapter would be too short to try to depict the whole war, already well covered by books and documentary, we will better to concentrate here on tanks engagements of the war the consequences for the armoured corps in general ad the Army in gener...
Soviet and American tanks face each other at Checkpoint Charlie, on October 27, during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 Main articles: Berlin Crisis of 1961, Berlin Wall, and Eastern Bloc emigration and defection The Berlin Crisis of 1961 was the last major incident in the Cold War regarding the st...
have good mobility thanks to their relatively light weight (which permits easy transport by railor flatbed truck, and allows crossing of lighter bridges), wide tracks (which give In the VietnamWar, the North Vietnamese NVA used T-54s against the South Vietnamese ARVN andS Union...
Stalin was left after World War II by virtue of the Red Army's victories was able to seize control of Eastern Europe. He proceeded to install totalitarian puppet satellite governments in Poland and other countries in his control. Stalin also proceeded
U.S. astronauts came to be seen as the ultimate American heroes. Soviets, in turn, were pictured as the ultimate villains, with their massive, relentless efforts to surpass America and prove the power of the communist system. HUAC The Cold War and the Red Scare ...
Thousands of custom events, to relive the Cold War in realtime. A detailed Economic System, including money, policies, edicts, and much more. Take and payback loans and bonds, or face the wrath of the debtors. Purchase equipment, such as tanks and aircraft from various suppliers. One of ...
Cold War between America and the USSR which had began soon after the end of the second world War. In 1962 Russian missiles were inferior to American missiles and had a limited range. This meant that American missiles could be fired on Russia but Russian missiles could only be fired on ...
Cold War: Frontline Welcome to Cold War: Frontline, an exciting single-player/multiplayer cooperative PVE tank vehicle shooting game that allows you to experience the ground battlefield during the Cold War. Here, you will drive famous tanks from history and those that have not been mass-produced...
The Cold War (1945-1991) had a conventional side which saw tanks and armored vehicles improved in almost every respect