Cold War: Directed by Ben C. Lucas. With Shazad Latif, Georgia Flood, Céline Menville, Thierry Frémont. A daring battle between the Company ships Dreadnought and Nautilus leaves both stranded in the Arctic ice, leading to an uneasy truce. Nemo reunites
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War《转折点:原子弹与冷战(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(北约铁狼演习 立陶宛 帕布拉德 2022年10月27日) 如果把冷战定义为一种 与拥有核武器的对手发生冲突 If you define a Cold War as a state of conflict w
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War《转折点:原子弹与冷战(2024)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,(斯大林) 斯大林是个天才 Stalin is a man of genius. 他是一位伟大的政hearts;治hearts;家 爱国者和领导人 He is a great politician, patriot, and lea
Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War《转折点:原子弹与冷战(2024)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx (基辅) (乌克兰俄hearts;罗hearts;斯hearts;) (扎波罗热核电站) 视频显示核电站陷于火焰和烟雾之中 VideoshowsflamesandsmokeengulfingtheZaporizhzhiapowerplant. ...
Attheendof1989,theColdWarorderiscrumbling. 可以感觉到苏联正在失去其地位 YoucouldfeelthattheSovietUnionwaslosing,uh,itsposition. 柏林墙的意外打开 Youhavetheaccidentalopeningofthewall, 让德国统一的问题突然被摆上桌面 whichnowallofasuddenputsGermanunificationonthetable. ...
PARIS, May 6 (Xinhua) -- As the world goes through transformation and turbulence not seen in a century, China and France should uphold independence and jointly prevent a "new Cold War" or bloc confrontation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Monday. ...
PARIS, May 6 (Xinhua) -- As the world goes through transformation and turbulence not seen in a century, China and France should uphold independence and jointly prevent a "new Cold War" or bloc confrontation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Monday. ...
PARIS, May 6 (Xinhua) -- As the world goes through transformation and turbulence not seen in a century, China and France should uphold independence and jointly prevent a "new Cold War" or bloc confrontation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Monday. ...
Become the leader of the USSR consumed by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower. Wage the Cold War brutally and without compromise, or through cunning politics and effective propaganda.