If you have respiratory symptoms that come on suddenly after exposure to a specific trigger or that appear at frequent intervals, see a healthcare provider for testing. Anallergy specialist, such as an allergist or immunologist, can test you for specific allergies, diagnose you, help you identify...
allergies Allergies Contact dermatitis Insect bite allergies Mould allergies Pet allergies Plaster allergies Polyester allergy Soothing itchy eyes Sun allergy Asthma Asthma and smoking Asthma in pregnancy Asthma treatment and advice Managing asthma triggers COPD How to use pulse oximeters Oxygen products &...
Pregnancy Flu and pregnancy Hay fever medicine and pregnancy Pneumonia and pregnancy Smoking and pregnancy Vitamin D during pregnancy Which pregnancy test should I use? Advice from our brands Aptamil Bio-Oil FertiLily Online Doctor advice Asthma and allergies Contraception COVID-19 Hair loss Health an...
SymptomsCoronavirus*(COVID-19)Testing options ColdFind relieffor Cold symptoms FluFind relieffor Flu symptoms Seasonal Allergies Find relieffor Seasonal Allergies symptoms Length of symptoms 7-25 days Less than 14 days 7-14 days Several weeks Cough Shortness of breath† Sneezing Runny or stuffy...
SymptomsCoronavirus*(COVID-19)Testing options ColdFind relieffor Cold symptoms FluFind relieffor Flu symptoms Seasonal Allergies Find relieffor Seasonal Allergies symptoms Length of symptoms 7-25 days Less than 14 days 7-14 days Several weeks Cough Shortness of breath† Sneezing Runny or stuffy...
Test your... Cold & Flu Quiz: Influenza vs. Common Cold Aches? Pain? Fever? This Cold & Flu Quiz tests your knowledge on the difference between coming down with the common cold and... 10 Signs Your Allergies Are Out of Control Learn 10 signs your allergies are out of control. See ...
Rhinorrhea may occur in an upper respiratory tract infection, or as a result of allergic rhinitis (allergies). In the case of rhinorrhea as a result of an upper respiratory tract infection, symptomatic management can be achieved with muscarinic antagonists, such as atropine, in a nasal spray for...
Pseudoephedrine is a medication available over the counter (OTC) used for temporary relief from sinus congestion and nasal congestion caused by cold, hay fever, upper respiratory infections, and allergies. Common side effects of pseudoephedrine include c
They are generally used as topical vasoconstrictors in the nose and eyes for temporary relief of nasal congestion due to colds, hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or sinusitis. Imidazolines are sympathomimetic agents, with primary effects on α-adrenergic receptors and little if an...
Whether it’s because of allergies or you just don’t like the look of dog hair-covered furniture and clothing, a non-shedding K9 may seem like a dream come true! But before you bring home a new dog, learn the facts about hypoallergenic or non-shedding dogs first from our friends at ...