Q. i just got over a cold sore using abreva is this best remedy to use?i didnt get a cold sore for while but i think problems lately have caused them to appear? A.Yes, Abreva is a good choice for a cold sore. It usually helps with the itching and dryness. Next time, you should...
If you have a hypersensitivity to cold temperatures or desensitivity that makes you unable to perceive temperatures, cold compression therapy may not be right for you. It is not recommended for anyone with Raynaud’s Phenomenon, cold urticaria, cold erythema, or cold hemoglobinuria. If you’re u...
2.Capable of existence and growth in media of varying temperatures. Compare:heterothermic,homeothermic. 3.Causing a disruption of normal hypothalamic thermoregulatory function, as seen with drugs such as phenothiazines. Synonym(s):cold-blooded,hematocryal ...