Viruses are the most common cause of sore throat. A sore throat caused by a cold virus usually resolves in one to two weeks without treatment. On the other hand, a sore throat caused by theStreptococcusbacterium (strep throat) should be treated with antibiotics to prevent damage to theheart...
The Wonders of Aloe Vera in Lip Sore Treatment Posted by: Linda In:Lip Sores A famous home remedy to treat lip sore is the use of aloe vera. This succulent plant yields latex and gels, which are two medicinal substances that are helpful in so many ways. The aloe latex is found beneath...
If you have an opened bottle of red wine at home, then you can try making use of this folk home treatment as it can help to reduce your cold sore issue effectively with ease: try putting a little bit in a saucer and allow it to stay still till the liquid seems evaporate. Slather y...
Some people believe you should avoid consuming milk and other dairy products when you have a cold or sore throat because they createmucusthat can make symptoms worse. To date, the evidence supporting the claim is mixed, with some suggesting that milk has no effect and others suggesting that it...
SPECIAL NOTE. Flounder is very rich in lysine. Some people use flounder as a total cold sore treatment. When getting a cold sore, they will eat one pound, or 300 grams, of flounder. This provides 12 grams of lysine. Lysine from food is 200% to 400% more usable by the body than the...
13 Natural Cold Sore Remedies 1. Eat Immune-Boosting Foods Cold sores can be very serious for people with weakened immune systems, so eating foods that serve asimmune system boosterscan be very helpful. Probiotic foodslike yogurt, apple cider vinegar, kimchi, sauerkraut and natto boost the immun...
Clean the affected area with a swab with peroxide then hold a swab of cotton ball with the nail polish remover on the sore for about 5-7 minutes. It will sting but you will be pleased with the result. You may want to put some tea-tree oil on the area after this treatment. My ...
Whileno science suggests vitamin C helps in the treatment of COVID-19, and there isnothing to show taking vitamin C will increase immunity to the coronavirus, taking vitamin C supplements are still considered a good way to boost overall immunity and health. ...
Those with other chronic diseases, such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or cancer Those whose immune systems are compromised due to a health problem or its treatment Complications arise when cold-causing viruses infect other regions of the respiratory tract, such as the sinuses (sinus...
Place it in a pot of filtered water. Boil the water for at least one hour. Mix with raw organic honey (great at soothing sore throats), and enjoy! Supplements are a great option as well if the taste of ginger is too strong for you. ...