Vegan Zaru Soba– cool buckwheat noodles with an umami dipping sauce Vegan Pasta Primavera– bright green veggies in a light creamy sauce Chilled Coconut Avocado Soup– rich, fragrant, and calming As always, if you try this recipe out, let me know! Leave a comment, rate it (once you’ve ...
With the promise of a visit to the bigger Sapporo festival sometime, Tsubasa and Minami are hitting it off splendidly. At school, she suggest they eat lunch together, and inadvertently gives him his very first taste of instant yakisoba. Turns out she remembers the corn dog indirect kiss too...
To function at cold environments, psychrophilic enzymes need to overcome the reduction of chemical reaction trseuamtbespsterinraatdetuuacrfeefsidnbbietyytwl(oeKwemnt)e0omarnpcdehra3an0tug °riCnesgt1h.baTonhthtihspeciaarrnammbeeseorteeprahsci2hl.iecAdcsobauyrnietnsecurrpleta,arcstiosn3ld.gT-...