🥶- Cold Face, Secret Service and historians: gesture of a loser After the victory against the income taxes the former most hated Emoji got a 🥶 Cold Face. The famous leader Emoji Guide reacted with 🤑 Money-Mouth Face. After the second elected dictator had to resign. The Emoji ...
The Cold Face emoji is also used in various ice-related idioms or metaphors. Sending Fergie to get a blood test, cause there's just ice in his veins #GoCrossGo pic.twitter.com/q8mqGDESsr — Holy Cross M. Hockey (@HCrossMHockey) January 8, 2020 ICE COLD @isaacokoro303 grabs the re...
Imagine if the same jacket that warms you up on cold days would also cool you down on hot ones. Fabrics with “phase-change properties” (相变性) can do that. And a research team from China now shows that 3-D printing techniques can produce a strong phase-change cloth. ...
UITextViewDIYEmojiExample - UITextView编辑时插入自定义表情-简单的图文混编. MMMarkdown - 一个Objective-C的静态库,用于将Markdown语法转换换为HTML. ZSSRichTextEditor - 适用于iOS的富文本WYSIWYG编辑器,支持语法高亮和源码查看。ZSSRichTextEditor包含所有WYSIWYG标准的编辑器工具. CSGrowingTextView - 用作即时...