Asphalt mixtures are the main types of materials that make up the asphalt surface layers of Brazilian pavements. In this way, this study aimed to study asphalt mixtures, known as Stock Asphalt Concrete (CAE), which has as its differential the proposal to be stored in bulk or bagged and ...
Test methods—Measurement of pavement surface macrotexture depth using a volumetric patch technique. London: British Standards Institution. ASTM D6931:2017 Standard Test Method for Indirect Tensile (IDT) Strength of Asphalt Mixtures. American Society for Testing and Materials. Washington, DC. Department ...
Standard Test Method for Preparation and Determination of the Bulk Specific Gravity of Dense-Graded Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (Withdrawn 2021)doi:ASTM D7229-08(2013)e11.1本试验方法涉及使用Superpave旋转压实机(SGC)制备和压实密实级配冷拌沥青(CMA)...
Standard Test Method for Preparation and Determination of the Bulk Specific Gravity of Dense-Graded Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory CompactorAstm
For the foamed asphalt cold recycling mixture, we mould the specimens under two different gradation using Marshall compaction method. Then we measure the bulk specific density using the volumetrical method, the corelock method, the wax-sealing method and the saturated surface dry method, calculate ...
(or air voids) of asphalt mixtures is determined based on their bulk densities and their maximum theoretical specific gravity. The individual bulk densities and water absorption values of the asphalt specimens were determined alongside the indirect tensile strength adopting procedures set out in AASHTO ...
Aggregates Reclaimed asphalt aggregates and virgin aggregates were characterized in terms of their mineralogy, bulk specific gravity, and water absorption. Small samples of oven-dried rocks were pulverized to 150 microns and placed in sample cups, then covered in a thin film of polypropylene to ...