He came down with a cold.He went down with a cold. (Brit)virus virus 是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus?这种病是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的?The software checks your...
他感冒了可以怎么说:He got/caught a cold. He came down with a cold. He went down with a cold.(Brit) virus virus是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。 例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus? 这种病是细...
He came down with a cold. He went down with a cold. (Brit) virus virus是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。 例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a vi...
As they saw him ___, a man called out to him.“Come in here. It is lovely and warm. You can just ___back and relax,” said the man.“I can’t. There are no ___.” The man replied.“Just jump in. It really is lovely. There’s plenty of ___for another.” Another of ...
More than 200 viruses can can cause a cold, but rhinovirus is the most common culprit, per the CDC. These viruses can transmit easily from person to person through respiratory droplets, and spread like wildfire through homes, classrooms, or offices. ...
virus virus是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。 例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus? 这种病是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的? The software checks your hard drive for viruses. ...
He went down with a cold. (Brit) virus virus是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。 例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus? 这种病是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的?
He went down with a cold. (Brit) virus virus是病毒的意思,既可以表示微生物毒害人类的免疫系统的病毒,也可以表示能够复制、感染其他程序或破坏操作系统程序的病毒。 例句 Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus? 这种病是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的?
(Biology) a substance, such as an antibody or a lectin, that causes agglutination of cells or bacteria [C19: agglutinate + -in] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
The cold is the most common of man’s ailments(疾病). Yet it stumped(难住)the medical authorities. Many of more terrible diseases have come under the control of modem man as the result of the knowledge gained in the lab of science research. Investigat