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These particles impact the specimens that can be held at different angles (in this work, respectively 30◦, 60◦, and 90◦) with respect to the direction of erodent flow, by using a clamp and an adjustable sample clip. The feed rate of the erodent particles is determined by varying...
TEAChart - xhacker/TEAChart 一个简洁的 iOS 图表库,支持柱状图、饼图以及日历等. CVCalendar - 是一个方便开发者集成自定义日历视图到自己 iOS 应用的项目, 支持 Storyboard 和手动配置, 使用 CocoaPods 进行安装, 提供了丰富的 API 供开发者使用. 图表@ ios-charts - 一款优秀 Android 图表开源库 MPAndroidC...