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描述:他的最后一个Lofi合成器循环。下载速度非常快,所以这里是我的数字梦Lofi合成器(https://www.looperman.com/loops/detail/110091/digitaldreamslofihiphoptriphopchilloutpianobyalabafruitfree120bpmchilloutpianoloop)的另一个lofy合成器风格。 看看吧,伙计们 ...
The lineage connecting “Away” to This Mortal Coil and The Hope Blister is evident from the treated piano sounds that echo and stretch to envelop Fraser’s voice, which slips through their grasp like seawater through the holes of a net. Muricidae are commonly known as rock snails, and their...
Starsplash Cold As Ice J.D..mid MIDI download Channels and Instruments Used 3 channels, 3 instruments 1 Synth Bass 1 96 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#2 Program ID: 38, Track: 1 time: 00:13 - 00:55 pitch: C#2 - F2 2 Acoustic Grand Piano 68 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4 Pr...
Starsplash Cold As Ice J.D. MIDI file, download for free, duration: 00:26, file size: 2.93 KB, which is played by an ensemble of 3 instruments including Synth Bass 1, Lead 2 (sawtooth), and Acoustic Grand Piano. MidiShow