Cold and 'flu products containing pseudoephedrine and ephedrine are to remain as pharmacy-only medicines in the UK, according to an update by the MHRA. This announcement follows assessment of the controls implemented in order to reduce the misuse of these ingredients in the illegal manufacture of ...
Most cold and flu drugs attack symptoms, not the specific viruses that cause the illnesses. They aren't a cure, but they can make you feel better or shorten your illness. There's no one right way to treat a cold or the flu. But here are some questions you can ask your pharmacist to...
Mostcold and fludrugs attack symptoms, not the specific viruses that cause the illnesses. They aren't a cure, but they can make you feel better or shorten your illness. There's no one right way to treat a cold or theflu. But here are some questions you can ask your pharmacist to get...
英文品名HFC ORTHOXICOL COLD AND FLU CAPSULES 註銷狀態已註銷 註銷日期2010/02/08 註銷理由屆期未申請展延 有效日期1996-12-04 發證日期1990-07-24 異動日期2010-03-05 許可證種類製 劑 通關簽審文件編號DHY00103281905 適應症感冒諸症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、咳嗽、喀痰、發熱、頭痛)之緩解 ...
Codral Cold and Flu Tablets - Codeine phosphate; Paracetamol; Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride - Medical DrugVirtual Medical Centre Com
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Thieves Get Materials to Manufacture Drugs; Cold and Flu Medication Is Stolen to Make Use of PseudoephedrineByline: Clementine NortonNews Mail Bundaberg Qld
Many OTC cold and flu medicines contain a mix of ingredients to treat multiple symptoms at once. These combination products may include: Decongestantssuch as pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine Cough suppressantssuch as dextromethorphan Expectorants such asguaifenesin to loosen mucus ...
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