Colby很注重学生的多元化思想发展和国际话题在课程中的体现,是美国前10所因为国际化而获得Senator Paul Simon Award的大学之一。它还有和“藤校”哥伦比亚大学和达特茅斯学院合作的工程双学位项目(Engineering Dual-Degree Programs),学生可以参加这一双学位计划,用5年时间拿到两校的双学位。 Colby坐落于缅因州的Waterv...
Degrees& Programs Art History, Criticism and Conservation Art Teacher Education Art/Art Studies, General Athletic Training/Trainer Biology/Biological Sciences, General Business Administration and Management, General Developmental and Child Psychology
Find college scholarships Academics Professors grade A Based on faculty accomplishments, salary, student reviews, and additional factors. Student Faculty Ratio 9:1 Evening Degree Programs No 98%of students agree that professors put a lot of effort into teaching their classes. 149 responses 94%of stu...
Colby College Tuition fee and scholarships Scholarships One of the important factors when considering a master's degree is the cost of study. Luckily, there are many options available to help students fund their master's programme. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which...
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Find college scholarships Academics Professors grade C+ Based on faculty accomplishments, salary, student reviews, and additional factors. Student Faculty Ratio 21:1 Evening Degree Programs Yes 83%of students agree that professors put a lot of effort into teaching their classes. 12 responses 86%of ...
See the most popular majors at Colby College and learn about available academic programs and class sizes.
The pay for some majors is higher than others, but on average, students who graduate with a bachelor's degree from Colby Community College make about $32,753 a year during their first few years of employment after graduation. This is about 23% less that the average pay for college graduate...
With a focus on providing accessible and quality education, University College of Bangor aims to support students in achieving their academic and career goals through a range of degree and certificate programs. Generated from their business information United States›Maine›Waterville›Colby College ...
A place to suffer through for 4 years and get your degree. PWI elitism, economic divide, and general lack of social unity and cohesion. Academics are nice though. Sophomore 4 months ago Overall Experience Report 0 people have found this helpful ...