coke有两个含义,一个是“焦炭”,另一个则是“cocaine可卡因”。当它的首字母大写,就有了“可口可乐”这个商标的含义,指代可乐饮料。 这个用法我们之前也讲过很多次啦,比如“Band-Aid”指代创可贴(邦迪),“Q-tips”指代棉签棒等,都是外国人喜欢直接...
The meaning of COKE is the residue of coal left after destructive distillation and used as fuel; also : a similar residue left by other materials (such as petroleum) distilled to dryness.
在网络交流中,当人们提到“coke”时,很可能是在谈论或提及可口可乐这种饮料。例如,在餐厅点餐或询问是否有该饮料时,人们可能会说“Do you have Coke?”。 可卡因:在某些地下文化、特定社群或网络圈子中,“coke”可能被用来指代毒品中的可卡因。这种用法源自可卡因的英文单词“Cocaine”与“Coke”在发音上的相似性。
Coca Cola is outstanding for its overall popularity as its items are sold in over four hundred countries in the world, while major contenders like Pepsi are just available in very few countries. Such a competitive advantage has placed 1684 Words 7 Pages Better Essays Read More Cocaine : A ...
Definition: Coca Cola Type: Word and Abbreviation Guessability: 1: Easy to guess Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers Example of COKE Used in a Text COKE This page is maintained by the Cyber Definitions Editorial Team. You might also like... BLOW (cocaine) CHARLIE (cocaine) CRACK (type of...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook cokehead Idioms Wikipedia coke·head (kōk′hĕd′) n.Slang A heavy user of cocaine. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub...
I'd Like to Buy The World a Coke是可口可乐上世纪70年代时的一首广告歌,简单直译是“我想给全世界买一瓶可口可乐”Coca Cola口语里以前经常简称为Coke,现在少用一些,因为Coke有时候也被当作Cocaine可卡因的口语
4.俚语(不推荐):非正式场合指代可卡因(cocaine),需注意语境。 提醒:避免在正式场合或陌生人面前使用,可能引起误会。 近义词 饮料场景:cola(更通用)、soda(美式泛称碳酸饮料)、pop(北美部分地区)。 焦炭场景:charcoal(木炭,不可互换)、fuel(燃料,泛指)。 反义词 饮料场景:juice(果汁)、water(水)、decaf(无咖啡因...
cocaine cocain C blow snow nose candy street names... dope cola Coca Cola Coca Cola is... fuel carbon fuel p... coke Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
n. 可口可乐(=Coca-Cola) 时态: coked, coking, cokes 近义、反义、联想词 近义词n. fuel, cola, dope, cocaine, cocainv. change state, turn 词 cola可乐;soda苏打;cocaine可卡因;booze酒;sodas碳酸饮料,果汁汽水;vodka伏特加酒;whiskey威士忌酒;heroin海洛因,吗啡;Pepsi百事可乐;meth甲安菲他明;drink...