而Pepsi cola在口语中会直接被叫做pepsi。这些都是前情提要,但是如果在美国马路上走路,路上碰到一个美...
The great Cola Wars of the 1980s were a battle between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for dominance. The disastrous introduction of "New Coke" in 1985 appeared to set Coca-Cola back. Yet by the end of the year, it was clear the "mistake" had actually helped Coca-Cola's sales, allowing Coke ...
n.焦炭,【商标】(非正式)=Coca-Cola v.(使)炭化 虽然在字典当中,coke这个词(首字母小写)表达为焦炭,但是在日常生活中,外国人就是用首字母大写Coke这个词来表达可乐这个含义哒!而“Coca-cola”实际上是它的商标名,口语中很少会用到! 有几点要...
Everytime i try to fly i fall whitout my wings notic我,采取我的手。 为什么,当我们的爱是强的时,耕我们陌生人? 为什么继续whitout我? Everytime i尝试您飞行我跌倒whitout我的翼[translate] a可口可乐与百事可乐尝起来很像 The Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola taste look like very much[translate]...
Pepsi /'pepsi/ Pepsi tastes a little bit sweeter. Now pretty much everyone has a preference between Coke and Pepsi. 百事可乐尝起来更甜一些。现在几乎每个人都在可口可乐和百事可乐中有个更偏爱的选择。 04. 雪碧 Sprite /spraɪt...
n.焦炭,【商标】(非正式)=Coca-Cola v.(使)炭化 外国人讲可乐一般就是叫它的牌子。虽然在字典当中,coke这个词表达为焦炭,但是在日常生活中,外国人就是用coke这个词来表达“可口可乐”这个含义哒! 例句: I want a hamburger, a large coke and a cake. ...
Coca-cola,Pepsi coke是什么意思? 有多少英语学习者见到英语Coca-cola,Pepsi coke时第一句话就是说成中文“可口可乐和百事可乐”的? 我经常说“英语思维就是英语口语”,只不过“英语思维”是一种“无声口语”,一旦把“无声思维”大声“说”出来,变成“有声思维”,它就变成了“英语口语”。 Coca-cola or Pepsi...
Pepsi tastes a little bit sweeter. Now pretty much everyone has a preference between Coke and Pepsi. 百事可乐尝起来更甜一些。现在几乎每个人都在可口可乐和百事可乐中有个更偏爱的选择。 04. 雪碧 Sprite /spraɪt/ Sprite has a crisp, clean taste that really quenches your thirst. ...
Gold Spot and MazaaSet up 2 new ventures with Parle to bottle and market productDisadvantagesDenied entry until 1993 because Pepsi was already thereHarder to establish market share with Pepsi thereWere not allowed to buy back 49% of equityResponses to Indias EnormityPepsi and Coca-Cola responded...
“可口可乐”的全称为“coca-cola” 但通常歪果仁并不这样说 他们一般会直接用品牌名Coke来表示可乐 去买可口可乐,只需说“A coke,please.” ▲ Coke [kok] 可乐 ☆I slaked my thirst with three cans of Coke. 我喝了3罐可乐解渴。 ☆I think we need some Coke and three cartons of milk. ...