There are n coins in a line. Two players take turns to take one or two coins from right side until there are no more coins left. The player who take the last coin wins. Could you please decide thefirstplay will win or lose? 该题类似于下题: 箱子里面有一百个球,甲和乙分别拿球,每次...
classSolution {public:/** * @param values: a vector of integers * @return: a boolean which equals to true if the first player will win*/boolfirstWillWin(vector<int> &values) {//write your code hereintn =values.size();if(n <=2)returntrue; vector<int> dp(n+1,0); dp[n-1] =...
最少是n = 3时,返回false,说明当一个player面临只有3个棋子的时候,他肯定会输。 dp[i]表示的是,当有i个棋子的时候,先手玩家会不会输。dp[i]这个状态可以由dp[i - 1]或者dp[i - 2]跳过来。dp[i]赢得条件是,dp[i - 1]和dp[i - 2]的状态是输的状态。 可以优化空间复杂度到O(1)。 代码 publ...
394. Coins in a Line dp[n]表示n个石子,先手的人,是必胜还是必输。拿1个石子,2个石子之后都是必胜,则当前必败;拿1个石子,2个石子之后都是必败,则当前必胜;如果拿1个石子,2个石子之后有必败,则当前必胜。 class Solution { public: /** * @param n: An integer * @return: A boolean which equa...
这道题是之前那道Coins in a Line的延伸,由于每个硬币的面值不同,所以那道题的数学解法就不行了,这里我们需要使用一种方法叫做极小化极大算法Minimax,这是博弈论中比较经典的一种思想,LeetCode上有一道需要用这种思路解的题Guess Number Higher or Lower II。这道题如果没有接触过相类似的题,感觉还是蛮有难度的...
My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言,一部分问题支持Java语言。近乎所有问题都会提供多个算
【leetcode】1240. Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares 2019-12-23 10:38 − 题目如下: Given a rectangle of size n x m, find the minimum number of integer-sided squares that tile the rectangle. Example 1: Input: n ... seyjs 0 587 Coins in a Line III 2019-12-21 21...
leetcode-441-Arranging Coins 题目描述: You have a total ofncoins that you want to form in a staircase shape, where everyk-th row must have exactlykcoins. Givenn, find the total number of full staircase rows that can be formed. nis a non-negative integer and fits within the range of ...
leetcode441. Arranging Coins 题目要求 代码语言:javascript 复制 You have a totalofn coins that you want to formina staircase shape,where every k-th row must have exactly k coins.Given n,find the total numberoffull staircase rows that can be formed.n is a non-negative integer and fits ...
主要有0-1背包、完全背包、分组背包...超过背包容量,且价值总和最大。 0-1背包问题解题思路 276. 栅栏涂色 276. 栅栏涂色leetcode链接 题目描述: 像这种题目来说,是组合问题【后续有时间,把组合问题单独拿出来讲一下】。也就 动态规划中的零钱凑整问题总结 ...