The one exception to this appears to have been the city of Regina in Saskatchewan where a friend of mine lived in the 1960's and tells me it was the one place both silver dollars and half dollars were commonly circulating into the mid 1960's....
I brought in some gold and some coins, they presented me with an offer that was much higher than two other gold buyers in Evanston and Chicago…. the owner was honest and knowledgeable about what he was purchasing and I was completely satisfied. I recommend Oakton Coins & Collectible over a...
27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee. Jesus Cleansing of the Temple M...
- All bids are recorded (with time stamps) and captured in the COIN system database. GFRC will have the final decision as to who won a lot based on the bid amount and time stamp as captured by the COIN system. - During the final minute of the auction, the bidding intensity will be...
Gold Buyers Near Me in Charlotte, NC: Your Ultimate Guide Explore the thriving gold market in Charlotte, NC, with our comprehensive guide for gold buyers. Discover essential tips on selling your gold locally and find out why Atlantic Metals Xchange stands out among gold buyers in the city. ...