Coinbase API是一个提供加密货币交易和钱包服务的平台,它允许开发者通过API与Coinbase交互。在使用Coinbase API进行GET请求时,如果出现签名无效错误,可能是由于以下原因: 未正确生成API密钥:在使用Coinbase API之前,您需要在Coinbase上创建一个API密钥。确保您已正确生成API密钥,并将其用于进行身份验证。 未正确...
在上述代码中,你需要将api_key和api_secret替换为你自己的API密钥和密钥。然后,通过发送GET请求到获取交易费信息。根据API文档,你可以进一步处理返回的交易费信息,以满足你的需求。 需要注意的是,以上代码仅为示例,实际使用时需要根据具体的开发语言和框架进行相应的调整。 Coinbas...
it allows developers to use the OAuth2 protocol to allow a Coinbase user to grant a 3rd party application full or partial access to his/her account, without sharing the account’s API key or login credentials.
fromcbproimportPublicClient, AuthenticatedClient# 初始化客户端api_key='your_api_key'api_secret='your_api_secret'api_passphrase='your_api_passphrase'client=AuthenticatedClient(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)# 查询账户余额accounts=client.get_accounts()foraccountinaccounts:print(f"Currency:{acco...
无障碍:交钥匙免费开始。使用我们的开放 API 和 SDK 在几分钟内开始构建,让每个人都可以访问加密货币。安全:Turnkey 构建在最小的、不可变的、确定性的操作系统之上,专为需要偏执和问责的环境而设计。这使您可以控制您的密钥,同时提供机构级的安全性。我们的团队借鉴了 Coinbase、BitGo 和 Polychain 多年的...
API What are API keys? API is a series of functions and processes allowing the creation of apps that can access the details of an operating system, app, and other more. An API key can be considered as a username that is designed to access data. API keys can make trading or investing ...
I'm trying to use the API for Coinbase but I get invalid signature. So probably I'm actually sign it wrong or I'm missing something. please help me. $API_KEY = "---"; $API_SECRET = "---"; $USER_ID = "---", $timestamp = time...
NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Currency currency True string The currency code for which you would like exchange rates. Returns Body GetExchangeRateResponse Get Spot Price Operation ID: GetSpotPrice Get a market rate for a cryptocurrency in the format of BTC-USD. Parameters 展開表格 NameKey...
根据Coinbase pro API文档: CB-ACCESS-SIGN 标头是通过使用预哈希字符串时间戳 + 方法 + requestPath + 正文(其中 + 表示字符串串联)上的 base64 解码密钥创建 sha256 HMAC 并对输出进行 base64 编码而生成的。时间戳值与 CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP 标头相同。 正文是请求正文字符串,如果没有请求正文,则省略(...
getTime publicClient.getTime(callback);The Authenticated API ClientThe private exchange API endpoints require you to authenticate with a Coinbase Pro API key. You can create a new API key in your exchange account's settings. You can also specify the API URI (defaults to