Find your nearest Stern pinball machine featured on our current worldwide Leaderboard via any connected machine. Log in with your Insider Connected account at your home or a location near you to climb up the ranks, follow the action, and see who will emerge victorious and earn those ultimate ...
Derek Dingle Bonus kicker ending for "Four Coins in the Countin'", different large coin appears 1971 Dingle's Deceptions with Cards and Coins 53 Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / Jumbo Coin Sequences Coin / Effect Themes / Jumbo Coins ...
borrowed marked coin vanishes from hand of spectator and reappears in another spectator's pocket, attachable hook gimmickJuly 1895 Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 7) 103 Coin / Gaffed / Hooked Coin Coin / Effect Themes / Vanish Routines / Bare Handed Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / ...