sort((a,b)=>b-a) change(amount,0,0) return res === Infinity?-1:res // 内部调用函数类 function change(amount,count,cidx){ // base case if(amount === 0){ res = Math.min(count,res) return } if(coins.length === cidx) return let coin = coins[cidx] for(let i = Math....
classSolution:defcoinChange(self,coins:List[int],amount:int)->int:n,m=len(coins),amountdp=[0foriinrange(m+1)]foriinrange(1,m+1):min_value=1000forjinrange(n):# 对于每一个硬币if0<=(i-coins[j])<=m:min_value=min(min_value,dp[i-coins[j]])dp[i]=min_value+1returndp[m]ifdp...
Combination Sum IV - Dynamic Programming - Leetcode 377 - Python 11:39 Coin Change 2 - Dynamic Programming Unbounded Knapsack - Leetcode 518 - Python 23:19 Coin Change - Dynamic Programming Bottom Up - Leetcode 322 19:24 Climbing Stairs - Dynamic Programming - Leetcode 70 - Python 18... 问题描述 给定不同面额的硬币 coins 和一个总金额 amount。编写一个函数来计算可以凑成总金额所需的最少的硬币个数。如果没有任何一种硬币组合能组成总金额,返回 -1。 你可以认为每种硬币的数量是无限的。 示例 输入:coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11 输...
题目地址: 题目描述 You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made ...
Code Testcase Test Result Test Result 322. Coin Change Medium Topics Companies You are given an integer array coins representing coins of different denominations and an integer amount representing a total amount of money. Return the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount...
privatevoidcoinChange(int[] coins,intamount,intcur,intcount) { if(cur <0) return;// stop of recursion coinChange inti = amount / coins[cur];// The most no. of coins[cur] if(amount % coins[cur] ==0) { res = Math.min(res, count + i); ...
How to solve Coin Change Problem in Java Now let us see the code implementation: publicclassMain { publicstaticintcount(int[]coins,intnumber,inttarget) { if(target==0){ return1; } if(target<0||number<0){ return0; } intfirst=count(coins,number, target-coins[number]); ...
Coin Change Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 25654 Accepted Submission(s): 8971 ...HDU-2069-Coin Change 链接: 题意: 给你面值有1,5,10,25,50的币种,然后随意输入一个钱的数目,问...
hdu2069Coin Change 暴力/背包/母函数 Coin ChangeTime Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 22298 Accepted Submission(s): 7801 Problem Description Suppose there are 5 types of coins: 50-cent, 25-cent, 10-cent, 5-cent, and 1-...