cohousing community翻译“cohousing community”的翻译为“共居社区”或“合作居住社区”。 详细解释如下: 一、词汇解析 “cohousing”是一个合成词,由“co-”(表示“共同”或“合作”)和“housing”(表示“住房”或“居住”)组成。因此,“cohousing”字面意思为“共同居住”或...
A multi-generational, eco-conscious cohousing community in the heart of West Asheville. We would love to be in touch & share more about our community, including info about units available to rent or purchase. Sign up for our inspired and infrequent enewsletter here....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook cohousing (redirected fromCohousing Communities) Encyclopedia co·hous·ing (kō′hou′zĭng) n. A living arrangement that combines private living quarters with common dining and activity areas in a community whose residents share in tasks such as childcare. ...
Welcome to Ashland Cohousing Community’s website. Thank you for visiting us. We are a 13 unit townhome development on 1.3 acres in Ashland, Oregon with a community garden, workshop, common areas and ample space for children to play. ...
Heartstone Cohousing Community公共内院景观 丹佛市的Highlands Garden是一个综合住宅区,区内分布着单栋、联排别墅、公寓、老人公寓、商业零售等。在小区内,还有一个成功的Cohousing项目——Heartstone Community。Cohousing有被译作“公共住宅”,也有被译作“共同住宅”,是上世纪六、七十年代源起于北欧、近二十年发扬...
We are a group of 40 core members building the first cohousing community in Houston. Become an Explorer Become an Explorer Become an Explorer and dig deeper. This will give you the opportunity to become involved, attend our business meetings, get to know the group and see how we work togeth...
” In our “village” there is a shared garden space, a small orchard, and a tool and storage shed. We enjoy coming together for both purpose and pleasure. There are potluck suppers, community workdays, monthly meetings modeled on consensus, and periodic celebrations involving music, dance ...
Pacifica is a cohousing community of about 100 people in Carrboro, N.C., that dates back to 2006. Community, diversity, sustainability and affordability are the four guiding principles upon which we are founded. Our 46 residences are a mix of townhomes, detached dwellings and stacked houses ...
Focuses on the risks and rewards of joining a cohousing community. Sense of purpose, security, emotional support and sense of belonging; Aspect of the physical design or community life; Differentiation of sit...
we take an active part in the ongoing management of our community. This community of adults and children is not built around an ideological principle; rather, we seek a diversity of backgrounds, ages and opinions, with our one shared value being the commitment to working out our problems and...