The first round resulted in high agreement between all experts, meaning the study was complete after a single round of expert panel review. At the end of the scoring exercise, participants were invited to suggest new ideas on the revised Guidelines. No consensus could be made on missing items...
high agreement between all experts, meaning the study was complete after a single round of expert panel review. At the end of the scoring exercise, participants were invited to suggest new ideas on the revised Guidelines. No consensus could be made on missing items, or bene cial additional ite...
Summary of recommendations for reporting case-cohort studies, to be used alongside existing STROBE guidelines.Stephen, J. Sharp
Reporting guideline Cohort studies Cross-sectional Case-control studies Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again and make sure cookies are enabledReferences [1] R.A. Agha, A.J. Fowler, S. Rajmohan, et al. Preferred reporting of case series in surgery; the PROCESS guidelines Int. J. ...
We followed the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guidelines for cohort studies. Allendale Institutional Review Board and University of California, San Francisco Institutional Review Board provided ethical approvals. Because this study was a retrospective ...
The Boston University Medical Campus institutional review board determined that this study was not human participant research and did not require informed consent. Reporting in this study followed all applicable Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines. In ...
There are several mechanistic pathways that can help explain the results of this study. The observed rapid decline in eGFR during the first 6 months after hospital discharge is likely attributed to the confounding effect of acute skeletal muscle wasting on serum creatinine and the overestimation of ...
Study sample Between April 2018 and March 2020, fourth- and fifth-year medical students from the Technical University of Munich in Germany participated in an anonymous survey regarding their sexual behavior. Self-reporting questionnaires were handed out during a urology seminar, and a private space ...
Impact of the mandatory implementation of reporting guidelines on reporting quality in a surgical journal: a before and after study Int J Surg, 30 (2016), pp. 169-172 View PDFView articleCrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [7] R. Agha, M. Borrelli, M. Vella-Baldacchino, R. Thavayogan...
There is therefore a need to develop guidelines specifically for use in cohort studies. The objective of this research is to conduct a Delphi consensus exercise amongst experienced cohort study reviewers and editors to develop STROCSS (Strengthening the Reporting of Cohort Studies in Surgery) guidelines...