/ˈkəʊhɔːt/ /ˈkəʊhɔːrt/ [countable + singular or plural verb] (specialist)a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour the 2009 birth cohort(= all those born in 2009) My age cohort is/are getting into positions of power. ...
aRomangeneralortheretinueof aprovincialgovernorwasalsocalledacohors.Becauseofthishistory,somepeopleinsistthattheEnglishwordcohortshouldbeusedtoreferonlyto agroupofpeopleandneverto anindividualperson.Buttheuseofcohortinreferencetoindividualshasbecomesocommon,especiallyintheplural,as toovershadowtheuseinthesingularto...
/ˈkəʊhɔːt/ /ˈkəʊhɔːrt/ [countable + singular or plural verb] (specialist)a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour the 2009 birth cohort(= all those born in 2009) My age cohort is/are getting into positions of power. ...
especially in the plural, as to overshadow the use in the singular to refer to a group. Both in our 1988 and 1999 surveys, 71 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the sentenceThe cashiered dictator and his cohorts have all written their memoirs.These results stand in stark contrast to those...