remains scarcely studied, however. Birth cohort may be another important source of variation. Greater societal acceptance and legal changes in laws such as the abolition of sodomy laws and legalization of same-sex marriages
An example of the cohort effect could be when there is an observed difference in cognitive skills between a group in their 20s and a group in their 60s. However, if the test was carried out on the computer, the observed results could be due to the fact that older people have less exper...
How Behavioral Cohorts Unlock the Customer Lifecycle Blog post The Complete Guide to Churn Prevention & Mitigation Guide How to Use Funnel Analysis Platform Product Analytics Feature Experimentation Feature Management Web Analytics Web Experimentation ...
the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus is twice that of women under 35. Additionally, the prevalence of preeclampsia in women with assisted reproductive
However, there was no significant difference among the four groups for physical activity, family history of CVD, use of lipid-lowering medications, antihypertensive medications, and antidiabetic medications. Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population by Lp(a) Level Quartiles ...
However, there was no difference between the Balanced Bunch and the Wellness Weary, signalling that health behaviours may support mental wellbeing, but only among the healthiest young people. Conclusions Beyond advancements in fundamental understanding, our findings yield significant translation opportunities...
As shown in Table S2, there was no statistically significant difference between the data before and after multiple imputation of missing values (P > 0.1). Feature selection was exclusively conducted in the training set, and the process is detailed in Fig. 2 and Tables S3-S5. For the ...
We calculated the reported prevalence of multimorbidity by wave and, for each wave, by sex, age group, functional status, region, and socioeconomic position. We also conducted Chi-squared tests to assess the statistical difference among subgroups. In addition, we calculated the reported prevalence ...
whilst cisgender heterosexual girls were likely to endorse healthier patterns. After adjusting for covariates, theGreen and Dream Teamreported significantly greater mental wellbeing than theBalanced Bunchone year later. However, there was no difference between theBalanced Bunchand theWellness Weary, signal...
This study aimed to investigate the longitudinal association between ward-level team job crafting at baseline and individual-level work engagement at three-month and six-month follow-ups among Japanese nurses. Also, the subgroup analyses investigated the difference in the association between ward-level...