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basedmethodologyandquantitativeandqualitative procedures,ourstudyanalyzesthefrequencyofsomeoftheseshellnouns,thedifferentlexico-grammaticalpatternsinwhichthey occur,andthefunctionsassociatedwiththesepatterns.Theresultofthisstudyindicatesthatstudentsusedsomeofthesenouns morefrequentlythanpublishedauthorsandthatthefunctional...
ABSTRACT Building on a 1976 model of cohesive devices, this article probes the literature on these linguistic tools with the aim of generating a comprehensive model of cohesion that can be used as an instrument for textual analysis across different text
英文流行爱情歌曲歌词的衔接手段分析-analysis of the cohesive devices of english popular love songs lyrics AcknowledgmentsFirst of all, I am deeply indebted to my respectable supervisor, Professor Zhou Qiqiang. He has been assisting and encouraging in the process of my thesis writing. He carefully he...
the traction-separation relationships acrossfracture surfacesare obtained from potential functions. In order to perform the sensitivity analysis, classical bilinear and trapezoidal (e.g.Alfano et al., 2009) non potential-based models, as well as the PPR potential-based model (Park et al., 2009) ...