A six years survey with vane test and cone penetrometer to test cohesion value of a soft clay soil during road embankment constructioncompressibilitycohesionCPTvane testroad embankmentThe new road Douala-Yaounde crosses the Dibamba river after leaving Douala. This ...
Thus, the competition for wa- ter between the roots of different trees in this arid re- gion is astonishingly intense. A small value of CI in Chinese pine indicated that the roots of Chinese pine have more advantages in obtaining water than those of black locust. More than 60% of black ...
J. Tukey box and whiskers plot showing a decreased ratio of the mean intensity of CDH1 on lateral versus apical cell junctions of HGCs in spint2 morphant embryos compared to wild-type controls; N = 3 embryos, n = 36–38; ∗∗∗ indicates p value of 0.0002 ...
For a significance level of p < 0.05, the P-value of the relationship is 0.017. Under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct, we obtain a regression coefficient of 1.236, by chance, about 1.7 percent of the time. Because the probability of obtaining the test statistic b...
st ab ility d ep ended on it is cont ain o f clay and lo am both considered as an enduring cohesion factors [6]. T he same results are obtained o n the sand y so il treated by the compost [7】.This technique of mulching could improv e the soil st ab ility and reduce ...
Therefore, an adhesion factor of 0.45 is recommended for soils of the area. Higher values may be used but should not exceed a threshold value of 0.5.F. E. OsegiDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria;African young geotechnical ...
The comparison of results for single and double under-reamed pile with a uniform diameter pile suggests that the provision of a bulb or under-reamed section to the pile helps in the increase in safe load and decrease in the settlement up to a certain value of the slope of linearly ...
The soils exhibited a nonlinear stress-strain deformation behaviour and the predicted soil modulus for the areas are generally in the range of E applicable for routine work in London clay; soils within Agip and Iriebe are identified as medium clay, except for UST soils that are within the ...
Limitations of the test are: (a) It should not be used unless the soil acidity is approximately the same for all samples. Very acid clay (pH 4 to 5), known to possess a very poor structure, gives a value of K 2 /K 1 close to unity. (b) It may not be safe to compare soils...
st ab ility d ep ended on it is cont ain o f clay and lo am both considered as an enduring cohesion factors [6]. T he same results are obtained o n the sand y so il treated by the compost [7】.This technique of mulching could improv e the soil st ab ility and reduce ...