an irradiation optical system that irradiates light from the light source to the inspection target; a detector that receives the light diffracted from the inspection target and generates diffraction image; and a detector moving device configured to move the detector on a z-axis, which is an optic...
Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI), a technique where an object is reconstructed from a single (2D or 3D) diffraction pattern, recovers the lost diffraction phases without a priori knowledge of the extent (support) of the object, which prevents an unambiguous metric evaluation of solutions. We ...
Coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) in the extreme ultraviolet has become an important tool for nanoscale investigations. Laser-driven high harmonic generation (HHG) sources allow for lab scale applications such as cancer cell classification and phase-resolved surface studies. HHG sources exhibit excellent...
coherent diffractive imaging (CDIfar‐field diffractionFresnel numberFraunhofer approximationNyquist–Shannon theoremhybrid input output (HIO) algorithmThis chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Far-Field Diffraction Source Requirements Solving the Phase Problem Holography Conclusions Referencesdoi:10.1002/...
Owing to continued advancements in source brightness, instrumentation, and detector capabilities at synchrotron X-ray facilities, alongside complementary iterative algorithms, CXS-based imaging techniques such as coherent diffraction imaging (CDI), including Bragg CDI (BCDI) and ptychography1, have enabled...
相干衍射成像CDI(coherentdiffractionimag- ing)是一种用迭代算法直接从所记录的物体散射 斑恢复物体强度和相位的成像技术.它最早在1969 年由Hoppe [1] 提出,后经Fienup [2,3] 和Misell [4] 的改 进而逐步发展起来.由于其不需要复杂的光学元件, 成像质量不受透镜像差的影响,理论上CDI能够获 ...
In 1999, a novel form of microscopy, known as coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) or lensless imaging, was developed and transformed our traditional view of microscopy, in which the diffraction pattern of a noncrystalline object or a nanocrystal was first measured and then directly phased to ...
Probe retrieval in ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging Ptychography is a coherent diffractive imaging method that uses multiple diffraction patterns obtained through the scan of a localized illumination on the ... P Thibault,M Dierolf,O Bunk,... - 《Ultramicroscopy》 被引量: 348发表: 2009年...
In this study, we introduce the examples of X-ray microscopy technology, such as transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CDI/CXDI), and X-ray holography. In addition, we demonstrate the combination of different ...
with still unclear implications. To demonstrate in situ CDI in a biological context, we used a HeNe laser and collected a time series of 48 diffraction patterns from live glioblastoma cells sealed between two cover slips (Methods). To validate our method for imaging the biological specimen, a ...