Introduction 对于Cohen-Sutherland 算法函数接口为: void ClipLine(Line line, Rect window); line:(x0,y0,x1,y1):被裁剪直线。 window:(bp,ep,width,height):裁剪窗口。 算法步骤 裁剪的实质就是决定图形中哪些点、线段、文字、以及多边形在裁剪窗口之内: Cohen-Sutherland算法有时也称为编码算法,该算法分为三...
// C++ program to implement Cohen Sutherland algorithm // for line clipping. // including libraries #include#includeusing namespace std; // Global Variables int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; // Lines where co-ordinates are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) struct lines { int x1, y1, x2, y2;...
Cohen–Sutherland是一个线段裁剪算法 原理 将窗口区域分为9个部分,每个部分给一个区域码,然后计算线段两端端点的区域码,根据区域码来选择抛弃线段 Paste_Image.png 两端点都在视口区域内,区域码相或为0,接受 两端点至少共享一个不可见区域,区域码相与不为1,拒绝 实现 typedefintOutCode;constintINSIDE=0;// 0000...
Partially inside the window : Both endpoints are in different regions. In this case, the algorithm finds one of the two points that is outside the rectangular region. The intersection of the line from outside point and rectangular window becomes new corner point and the algorithm repeats...
Here you will learn about liang barsky line clipping algorithm in C and C++. 在这里,您将了解C和C ++中的liang barsky线裁剪算法。 This Algorithm was developed by Liang and Barsky. It is used for line clipping as i... 多边形裁剪:Sutherland-Hodgman算法 ...
本文 图l二维窗口与区域编码针对Sutherland-Cohen算法裁剪次数过多的问题进 2 Sutherland.Cohen算法的改进行改进。该算法同时可以克服算法虽然高效但是不能扩展到三维裁剪的缺点。 讨论:考虑图2所示的情况。对线段眦l和P2P3, 按着Sutherland-Cohen算法,第一步都是和边x=J£求 为讨论问题方便,先回顾一下Sutherland-...
There exist total 26 possible cases for trivial rejection of a line. Out of these 26 cases only 12 cases were solved without dividing the line into segments in the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Remaining 14 cases were solved by dividing the line into segments. But if the line is...
Computer Graphics algorithms for line drawing, shape filling, circle drawing, ellipse drawing, polygon clipping, shear, transformation, and reflection reflectioncomputer-graphicsbresenhamddatransformationpolygon-clippingellipsecohen-sutherlandfloodfillsutherland-hodgmanline-drawingsutherland-hodgman-algorithmbresenham-algo...
1. Cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm in javascript 2. Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm in javascript. cohen-hogman polygon clipping in action I believe the code is pretty readable – I had commented lavishly. Save them as html files, open in a browser, and keep clicking left...
Cohen-Sutherland裁剪算法 1. Cohen-Sutherland cutting out algorithmto which does not intersect the line segment carries on when cutting out the efficiency with the frame to be high,but to has the point of intersection line segment cutting out efficiency with the window boundary to be low. ...