The current study utilizes exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to investigate the relationships between test takers' reported cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and their performance on second language tests (SLP).; This study involved 1,382 test...
Effect sizes of functional measures relative to mask only.Note:Standardized beta coefficients for transcription intelligibility (blue) and speaker effort (red) for each condition relative to the Mask Only condition. Negative effect size indicates lower values relative to the Mask Only condition; positive...
transitions from the VIS− state to the DMN+ state were negatively associated with performance (Fig.4d, multiple linear regression, standardizedβTP = −0.14, df = 873,t = − 4.42,pcorr = 2.24 × 10−4), while transitions from the VIS− state to the F...
Primary Mental Abilities Five subtests from Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities Test (1948 PMA 11–17 version; [30]) were given to participants at every wave since the beginning of the study. Using the scores of the entire SLS sample at their first measurement occasion as reference (see [...
In regard to testing learned helplessness, standardized tests do not exist to our knowl- edge. However, the most common method to quantify the vulnerability to learned help- lessness in a study is through measuring task persistence [11]. The primary goal of these tests is to give participants...
Design and Implementation of a Prototype with a Standardized Interface for Transducers in Ambient Assisted Living. Sensors 2015, 15, 2999–3022. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 55. Miori, V.; Russo, D.; Concordia, C. Meeting people's needs in a fully interoperable domotic environment. Sensors 2012, ...