Finally, post hoc analyses investigated the impact of APOE genotype on cognitive function in relation to the intervention, as well as the impact of the intervention for participants with mild cognitive impairment. All statistical significance tests were 2-sided, and α=.05 was considered statistically...
Here we used a vigilance task as our primary cognitive outcome measure to assess the intervention’s impact on attention abilities. This task was a customized Continuous Performance Task (CPT), which is a modified version of a well-validated sustained attention task, the Test of Variables of Att...
Identifying practice effects on cognitive test in healthy seniors and dementia patientsdoi:10.1016/j.jalz.2006.05.1337Jacqueline AbrisquetaGomezElizabeth B. PiovezanMauro Roberto PiovezanAniza E.A. SasaharaCarim Fernanda FernandesLia E. Bender Piske...
Finally, we find that computerized tests marginally improve results. Introduction In this meta-study we test for several of the empirical regularities regarding the Cognitive Reflection Test (Frederick, 2005) reported in several Economics and Psychology experiments. We have a heterogenous sample of ...
The results of the cognitive function tests and dual-task gait performance assessments, both before and after training, are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. We observed no significant differences in demographic parameters between the two groups. Additionally, there were no significant ...
Cognitive tests Cognitive evaluation encompassed a range of tests aimed at assessing different cognitive domains. These included tests for overall cognitive function (Mini Mental State examination [51]), verbal memory (California Verbal Learning Test, CVLT [52]), attention and attention switching (Atten...
‘lock-down’ policies in the Chinese mainland from 2019 to 2022, millions of our senior citizens were demanded to use the social media like WeChat platform to get access to the scan codes for the nuclei acid tests for the Covid-19. Accordingly, we noticed that the proportion of senior ...
34 Finally, the AGN of the Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery35 was used as a computerized measure of inhibitory control/switching. Mean latency post-switch was used to determine performance in addition to the number of commissions or omissions. For these tests, lower scores were ...
For statistical analysis, the data were analysed using robust ANOVA with means truncated at 20% utilising a two-way repeated measures model, with between (groups) and within (measurements) factors. In post hoc tests, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test of exact permutations between groups and Bonferroni...
Functional capacity was evaluated using three sit-to-stand (STS) tests (STS-5, STS-30 and STS-60), the timed–up-and-go (TUG) test, the 6-min walk test (6MWT), and the handgrip strength (HGS) test. The sit-to-stand tests measure lower body power, balance and endurance and requ...