Moreover, the study demonstrates that the two parameters of age and sport-specific experience have an influence as well. The results thus indicate the relevance of taking into account specific cognitive skills for perceived exertion with regard to autonomous exercise regulation.Chemical geology...
We incorporated a unique form of physical conditioning based on the principles of physical function training (PFT) in the intervention [40]. Originating from athletic injury rehabilitation, PFT utilizes specially-designed multi-muscle and multi-joint movements to refine fundamental movement skills and ne...
mental/cognitive demand may be described as the amount of mental effort required to execute a task within a limited time. Despite interest in the topic for the past 60 years in cognitive neurosciences, there is no clearly defined, universally accepted definition of the so-called “mental workloa...
(Fisher et al., 2017). Older adults are thought to be more susceptible toGfdeficits due to associated white matter abnormalities in their prefrontal cortices as they age. Skills associated withGc, however, have been proposed to be fairly stable, with select measures (such as knowledge and ...
interventions, preferably with a randomized control design. Future research that aims to examine the relation between improvements in cognitive skills and the translation to better performance on selected physical tasks should explicitly take the relation between the cognitive and physical skills into ...
use, would lead to an increased reliance on screens to meet our basic needs and over years, this could lead to an attention deficit, lack of impulse control, poor attention-orientation or in other words, irritability, impatience, poor concentration and of course, lack of interpersonal skills. ...
assessments because of personal reasons or time conflicts. Data collection was completed by February 2020 and no adverse events were recorded in the study. The baseline characteristics of the three groups are similar. Given that clinical relevant difference, by definition, requires a minimum difference...
In the current study, we focused on the cognitive domains of receptive vocabulary, declarative memory, procedural memory, and executive function (attention). Receptive vocabulary is the ability to understand words and phrases and falls under the umbrella of language skills [15]. Declarative and ...
Both groups can have positive effects on aggressive behaviors in children with ADHD and emotion dysregulation. But, we suppose that the positive effects of CBT group continues after the end of intervention as the emphasis lies on learning new skills, we think this may not be the case in the ...
Our results confirm that not only an excellent training response can be achieved in this patient population, but also that more vulnerable patients with greater deficits in domain-specific cognitive functions associated with fall risk may even reap the most and fastest benefit from motor-cognitive ...