Learn about cognitive processes. Study the meaning of cognitive learning. Examine cognitive theories and discover examples of cognitive processes...
adj. related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something 认知的,认知过程的 aware, perceptive concerned with acquisition of knowledge: relating to the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning, intuition, or perception relating to thought: relating to thought processe...
This chapter focuses on various approaches and measures used to study the cognitive processes of students with learning disabilities. This is a particularly difficult task since there are no published studies systematically comparing the predictive validity and reliability of process measures. This may be...
Learning is a fundamental cognitive process of human intelligence. According to cognitive informatics, learning as a collective term can be classified into the categories of transitive, objective, and complex learning. This paper presents a theoretical framework of learning and explains its cognitive pro...
Procedural learning can be regarded as a type of learning that involves the acquisition of affective/cognitive/psychomotor skills. This type of learning can be contrasted with information learning (i.e., a type of learning that involves the acquisition of new fact/information)....
1.The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. 2.That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge. [Middle Englishcognicioun, from Latincognitiō, cognitiōn-, fromcognitus, past participle ofcognōsce...
Designing the Learning Experience Since each brain must process new information for itself, therole of the instructor(whether a teacher, a trainer, or an individual learning on their own), is to facilitate alearning experiencethat will result in efficient and effective learning for a variety of ...
认知社会学习理论 Cognitive Social-learning Theory 热度: 认知过程(cognitiveprocess) Cognitiveprocess: Attentionisthedirectionandconcentrationofmental activitiestowardcertainobjects,anddirectionalityand concentrationaretwobasiccharacteristicsofattention. Attentioncanbedividedintoinvoluntaryattentionand ...
Incorporating a learner's level of cognitive processing into Learning Analytics presents opportunities for obtaining rich data on the learning process. We propose a framework called COPA that provides a basis for mapping levels of cognitive operation into a learning analytics system. We utilise Bloom'...