认知神经科学CognitiveNeuroscience(PPT-176).ppt,面对艾滋病人 天使的眼睛总是微笑 护理艾滋病人- 危险, 但有意义的工作 被针扎破手,要赶紧清洗,还要检测。这对护士是最危险的事情之一,却也是防不胜防的事。 汶川地震 大难 大爱 2008-5-12 一起创造 施比受更有福的人生
No difference in subjective sleepiness rating and EEG marker of sleep pressure across groups All participants were moderate early and chronotypes which reduces the variability of sleep-wake cycle. However, potential sleep pressure at non-preferred times may still interfere with chronotype-specific effects...
In addition to measuring cognitive performance, participants also underwent electroencephalography (EEG) recordings during the CPT task to examine the neural metric of midline frontal theta power, given that it has been associated with sustained attention abilities63,64 and is a sensitive marker of ch...
Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Susanne Schweizer Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, United Kingdom Jovita T. Leung Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, 26 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AP...
How individual differences in brain network organization track behavioral variability is a fundamental question in systems neuroscience. Recent work suggests that resting-state and task-state functional connectivity can predict specific traits at the ind
Forecast and prospect of the future development of aging cognitive neuroscience and the domestic development roadmap (color online)3.1 认知老化理论的发展截至目前, 老年人脑结构和功能随龄变化与认知下降的关系并不清楚, 揭示认知老化与脑功能和结构老化的关系是老化认知神经科学研究的重要目标[158]. 探讨脑功能...
A better diagnostic marker seems to be the arousal responses to the alerting cues that are reflected by the pupil dilation. In the present study, participants’ individual alerting effects on reaction times showed no relationship between the two tasks (Experiment 1 and 2), but individual pupil ...
Within this framework, Damasio (1994) postulates his “Somatic Marker” hypothesis to explain the role of emotions in reasoning and decision-making. In this sense, a Somatic Marker is an automatic emotional response that it is produced by the perception of a certain situation, and which in ...
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic psychiatric disorder that combines hypomania or mania and depression. The study aims to investigate the research areas associated with cognitive function in bipolar disorder and identify current research hotspots and fr
However, when alpha slowing is not present, high theta power may be a marker of healthy neurocognitive function19. This conclusion is consistent with our findings. Here, we analyzed data from a population of healthy seniors, excluding carefully participants who presented evid- ence of neurological ...