Summary. This study used Biggs' Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) as a case study to examine some conceptual issues in the learning approaches of Australian teacher education students. A factor analysis of the SPQ indicated that the internal coherence of the surface strategy subscale, in particular...
---Cognitive Strategies in learning English Abstract: Language learning strategies have been a major concern for English major devoted to this area. It is important to use earning strategies to improve students own English, especially cognitive strategies. Of course, there are many cognitive strategies...
The use of cognitive strategies can increase the efficiency with which the learner approaches a learning task. These academic tasks can include, but are not limited to, remembering and applying information from course content, constructing sentences and paragraphs, editing written work, paraphrasing, ...
(Davidson and Candy, 2016; Hsieh, 2016; Strickland and Kaylor, 2016) have shown that game-based learning strategies improve content understanding. Knowledge retention was evaluated in two studies. In one of the studies, assessment was conducted in the second round of the game (Roche et al., ...
outline orsummaryofinformationpresentlyorallyorin writing Note-takingstrategieswerethestrategiesstudents relyonmoreoften.Note-takinghasvariousforms, includingvocabularycards,vocabularynotebooks orsimplynotesbetweenthelinesinthearticleoron theedgesoftextbook.However,McCarthy(1990) suggesteddifferentlearnersaredifferentin...
2. Guessing 3 dictionary use 4 note taking writing down the main idea, important points, outline, or summary of information presented orally or in writing. 3.1 Definition and classification of Vocabulary learning strategies in this paper 3.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary learning strategies Based on ...
In this summary, Cognitive linguistics is divided into three main areas of study: Cognitive semantics, dealing mainly with lexical semantics, separating semantics (meaning) into meaning-construction and knowledge representation. Cognitive approaches to grammar, dealing mainly with syntax, morphology and ...
In summary, these studies point out the contribution of metacognitive knowledge in EFL reading comprehension. In relation to reading strategies, problem solving seems to be an important predictor of comprehension. Specifically, students with high reading proficiency tend to use appropriate problem-solving...
Table 1. Summary of the main tests used in human and rodents to evaluate cognitive impairments. 2. Cognitive Function: Attention, Learning, and Memory The cognition system comprises functional, learning, and memory processes. Functional processes include “pre-attention” processes, in which the fi...
In summary, CLT would argue for the following three principles. First, find ways to manage the inherent complexity of what is being learned, e.g. by appropriate methods of sequencing the material. Second, make sure that further barriers are not placed in the way of learning e.g. by ...