AFWD table in SAP PP (Production Orders - PP) module. This tables is used for storing data of Deliveries for... AFFW SAP table for – Goods Movements with Errors from Confirmations AFFW table in SAP PP (Production Orders - PP) module. This tables is used for storing data of Goods Move...
detail_grid.VerticalScrollbar.Position += 1 #通过下拉滚动条保持始终在第1行(序号0)进行操作,避免数据行数超过一屏需翻页 detail_grid = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subTABLE:SAPLCOWB:0520/tblSAPLCOWBTCTRL_0520") #滚动条下拉后,grid变量需重新赋值 if detail_grid.VerticalScrollbar.Position == cur...
SAP中库存确定组的应用简析 原材料记录下来,形成一个欠料记录。在SAP中通过事务COGI来查询。即然产生欠料,就一定会有还料的动作。此处的欠和还通常是指代仓库和生产线之间为对象。生产线在做成品入库时,己将成品转移给仓库,但仓库同时...。可参考我的另一篇博文《SAP中MF47处理COGI欠料分析测试》。本篇将提到...
Recently i have a issue about backflushing in decoupling confirmation. Your blog helps me a lot to figure out the backflushing mechanism in SAP (especially the relations between CORUPROC/CORUAFWP/CORUAFW0 programs). On the other hand, is that possible to briefly explain how table AFRP2 work...
Sorry, I am brand new swift and IOS development but I have a table view with each element in the table view I can tap on the item to go to my edit screen which determines the information in the table ... Path not visible under UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions - SpriteKit ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) We have a COGI entry for a 102 movement on a collective order, but the related 262 dependent item is missing. It is not on table AFFW, nor was a goods movement posted. The stock has been correct...
COGI - During automatic goods movements, if there is any errors the errors will be updated in the Table AFFW or in the Transaction COGI. COFC - like the above, all the errors in cost calculations during confirmations will be updated in the Transaction COFC. We can restrict the entry of er...
SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi all, During order confirmations, if there is any error in goods movement then the movement is recorded as the errored movement by the system. for example insufficient stock for 261 movement. Then in COGI we can trace the errored movements & then err...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi, in order to see COGI history i have activated SNOTE 1894587 and got the Z report to see past COGI history, but data is not getting stored in table AFFWPRO. Has anyone has activated above note and data is getting stored in...
The reason is, the COGI error may contain the 'clear open reservations' flag which will set the "Final Goods Issue" in the component reservation (table RESB). If you delete it, then despite the order being Finally Confirmed, you may have an open reservation for the component that will ...