Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...
Cogent Social Sciences is a research journal dedicated to the field of social sciences. This journal covers a wide range of social science topics, including but not limited to political science, sociology, law, economics, business research, psychology, geography, biological philosophy, history, and ...
Cogent Social Sciences杂志英文介绍 Cogent Social Sciences is a research journal dedicated to the field of social sciences. This journal covers a wide range of social science topics, including but not limited to political science, sociology, law, economics, business research, psychology, geography, bi...
Cogent Social Sciences is a research journal dedicated to the field of social sciences. This journal covers a wide range of social science topics, including but not limited to political science, sociology, law, economics, business research, psychology, geography, biological philosophy, history, and ...
宣布2023年度《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports™,简称JCR™)将对Web of Science核心合集收录的所有期刊赋予期刊影响因子。这意味着期刊影响因子的覆盖范围将从科学引文索引扩展版(SCIE™)和社会科学引文索引(SSCI™)期刊扩大到艺术与人文引文索引(AHCI™)和多学科的Emerging Sources Citation Index™(...
期刊:Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 作者:Jose Antonio et al. 咖啡因是一种常见的运动增强剂,已有大量研究支持其积极作用。然而,尽管数据丰富,关于咖啡因的有效性和安全性仍存在诸多疑问。例如,咖啡因是否会导致脱水、促进脂肪流失、影响不同部位的肌肉表现,或与抑郁、心脏问题、骨矿流失...
He is currently working as dean, College of Social Sciences Education and Associate editor of Kotebe Journal of education. His research interests are regional and urban planning, food security, small scale irrigation, climate change, social studies education, Geography education. Download PDF Share ...
Cogent OA, part of Taylor & Francis, is a native open access partner committed to facilitating open access publishing. With 14 multidisciplinary journals covering all subject areas across medicine, science, social science, humanities and the arts, there
AbstractforReporting Verbs in Hard and Soft Sciences of Journal Article Abstracts: An Insight from Indonesia | Full Text | References | PDF (336.1 KB) | EPUB 1414 Views 0 CrossRef citations Altmetric Visual & Performing Arts Article Masquerading in the name of world peace: An analysis of Su...
Cogent Business&Management is an international open access journal that focuses on research in the fields of business and management. The magazine aims to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to share and discuss the latest research findings, theoretical ...