Scope One of the largest, multidisciplinary open access engineering journals of peer-reviewed research, Cogent Engineering, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, covers all areas of engineering and technology, from chemical engineering to computer science, and mechanical to materi...
An analysis of E-learning system challenges in engineering education: an empirical study Sandra Matarneh, Lubna AlQaraleh, Tariq Alkhrissat & Mutasim Abdel-Jaber Article: 2445967 Published online: 24 Dec 2024 AbstractforAn analysis of E-learning system challenges in engineering education: an empir...
Educational StudiesGBR41%similarity36 Studies in Educational EvaluationGBR41%similarity37 Education InquiryGBR41%similarity38 Journal of Learning for DevelopmentCAN41%similarity39 Cultura y EducacionUSA39%similarity40 International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and EducationSRB39%...
S., Rohith, K., & Rahul, K. (2023 Detection of weeds by using machine learning [Paper presentation]. Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) (pp. 882–892). (Open in a new window)Google Scholar...
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Impact of corporate governance and ownership concentrations on timelines of financial reporting in Pakistan Muhammad Waris & Badariah Haji Din Article: 2164995 Published online: 19 Jan 2023 AbstractforImpact of corporate governance and ownership concentrations on timelines of financial reporting in Pakistan...
The impact of government spending on well-being: a case of upper middle-income countries and high-income countries Ruth T. Gumede, Lorraine Greyling & Brian T. Mazorodze Article: 2413657 Published online: 13 Oct 2024 AbstractforThe impact of government spending on well-being: a case of upper...
Bridging the research-practice gap: Development of a theoretically grounded workshop for graduate students aimed at challenging microaggressions in science and engineering Amy C. Moors, Lindsay Mayott & Benjamin Hadden Article: 2062915 Published online: 16 Apr 2022 AbstractforBridging the research-pract...