For every cup, we have a creamer. Our innovative, satisfying flavors and plant-based options provide exceptional taste to elevate your coffee routine.
Coffee mate® creamers are the easiest way to give people the freedom to customize their coffee cup—and show them you care.
Coffee mate® Bottle Tote Regular price $12.00 USD Iced Coffee Bladder Sling Pack Iced Coffee Bladder Sling Pack Regular price $30.00 USD Your inbox needs coffee, too. Give it the lil treat it deserves by opting into alerts about new promotions and merch drops. Email First Name* Last...
#coffeemate 特別為沖調雀巢咖啡®產品而配製的雀巢®咖啡伴侶®植脂末,令咖啡更香濃,更幼滑,每100克含0克反式脂肪。立即購買 200 g咖啡種類 速溶粉 各不相同的咖啡體驗 SMOOVLATTÉ®朱古力咖啡 了解更多 SMOOVLATTÉ® 了解更多 我們的可持續發展承諾 我們不僅以負責任的方式採購咖啡豆,還致力於到 ...
Elevate your next recipe! Our coffee creamers can be used to help create decadent treats, satisfying dessert drinks, and even delicious baked goods.
Coffee Mate(咖啡伴侣)是一种非乳制奶精,主要用于改善咖啡的口感和风味,使其更加顺滑且易于饮用。该产品由多种成分构成,提供多样化口味选择,并在全球咖啡文化中占据重要地位。 一、基本定义与功能 Coffee Mate作为咖啡辅助产品,核心功能是替代传统乳制品。它通过添加植物油、葡萄糖浆等成分,赋予...
Coffeemate 咖啡伴侶® Beethoven was a huge fan of coffee, using precisely 60 beans per cup. 你知道嗎? 巴西是世界第一大咖啡生產國,其次是越南和哥倫比亞。 探索更多 你知道嗎? 共兩種咖啡豆,阿拉比卡咖啡豆,酸度較低,口感更順滑;羅布斯塔咖啡豆,味道較酸及帶有苦味。
With unique flavors and a velvety smooth texture, our creamers deliver unforgettable taste and the perfect consistency to make your morning routine feel like a treat. More Than 60 Years of Flavor Our Brands All Coffee mate® All natural bliss®...
“coffee mate”的中文翻译是“咖啡伴侣”。 “Coffee mate”是一个英文品牌名,专门用于指代一种与咖啡一同冲泡饮用的奶精或咖啡伴侣产品。在中文语境中,我们将其直译为“咖啡伴侣”,这一翻译既保留了原词的含义,又符合中文的表达习惯。 具体来说,“咖啡”指的是这种饮品本身...
2. 雀巢咖啡伴侣 雀巢咖啡伴侣(Coffee-Mate)晶花(Kingflower) 麦斯威尔(Maxwell House) 条目 讨论 不转换 变换 不转换 简体 繁体 大陆简体 …|基于18个网页 3. 咖啡奶精 咖啡奶精(coffee-mate) 150 克糖 100 克鲜奶 350 ml1茶匙即溶咖啡(instant-coffee) 和 75 克热水溶解咖啡奶精,糖和鲜...