Method for preparingcoffee creamercontaining raw milk or skim milk and having improved milk flavor without adding phosphate Procédé de préparation decolorant à cafécontenant du lait cru ou du lait écrémé à l'arôme de lait amélioré sans phosphates ajoutés ...
The prevalence of habitual coffee intake was 76% and was almost always an instant coffee mix containing powder creamer and sugar. In particular, consumption of coffee as an instant coffee mix may result in excessive intake of sugar and powder creamer leading to harmful effects. A randomized ...
PURPOSE: A water-solubilizing method of natural casein is provided to convert casein to a soluble form using a part of buffer salt without using alkaline chemicals such as NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2.;CONSTITUTION: Natural casein and buffer salt used in manufacturing coffee creamer are mixed at a ...
In these studies, most of the subjects consumed milk or consumed an instant coffee mix containing sugar and powdered creamer. These results indicate that instant coffee drinkers have increased risks of these metabolic conditions, and that the consumption of the instant coffee mixture may have a ...