Official Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce site. Douglas, Georgia, in Coffee County, is the ideal place to grow your business.
Contact the Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce at 912-384-1873 or stop by at 114 N. Peterson Ave., Suite 205, Douglas, GA 31533. We have several maps and guides available. What are the dues? Are dues tax deductible? Dues are based on the size of your organization. Chamber dues...
• Hosted by the Kansas City Fan Conventions, the 16th annual “FreeStateCon” will bring together comic book creators and exhibitors, toys, accessories and more, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2120 Harper St. • The Haskell Indi...
Douglas-Coffee County, Georgia is a unique community in South Central Georgia. The community acts as a regional commercial and employment hub in a predominantly rural part of the state. It centers a region of approximately 400,000 people.