coffeecake/ˈkɔfikeik//ˈkɔfiˌkek/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n.咖啡糕(一种常在喝咖啡时吃的软糕点) 近义、反义、联想词 近词 n. cake 联想词 scones司康;cheesecake奶酪蛋糕;pancakes薄烤;muffin ;waffles华夫干;brownies棕斑;dessert餐后甜点;loaf块;blueberry越橘的一种;granola格兰诺拉麦...
美 英 na.早餐点心 网络咖啡蛋糕;一款美味咖啡蛋糕;早点蛋糕 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 coffee-cake n. 1. 咖啡糕(覆盖糖浆的小蛋糕,饮咖啡时吃)a small cake with melted sugar on top that people eat with coffee 例句
coffeecake 听听怎么读 英['kɔ:fɪˌkeɪk] 美['kɔfɪˌkeɪk] 是什么意思 n. 咖啡糕(一种常在喝咖啡时吃的松软糕点); 英英释义 coffeecake n.a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee 同义词:coffee cake 学习怎么用...
cake(fertilizer)【化】 饼肥; 油饼 coffee milln. 咖啡磨,咖啡豆研磨机 coffee tableadj. 咖啡茶几上作摆设的书(多为装璜精美而内容贫乏的大开本画册) coffee house【固定建筑物】咖啡厅 cream caken. 一种奶油馅点心 twelfth caken. 庆祝主显节前夕的糕饼 ...
The meaning of COFFEE CAKE is a sweet rich bread often with added fruit, nuts, and spices that is sometimes glazed after baking.
Define coffeecake. coffeecake synonyms, coffeecake pronunciation, coffeecake translation, English dictionary definition of coffeecake. n. A cake or rich bread, often baked with a sweet crumbly topping or drizzled with a glaze after baking. American Herit
coffee在形容一杯咖啡几杯咖啡时可数 cake是可数的 当coffee的意思是咖啡豆、咖啡树,或咖啡的杯数的时候表示可数,它是可数名词。Cake是‘蛋糕’,作可数 或不可数 名词都可以。一个蛋糕是a cake,可以数;切成多片,每片都是a piece of cake,那cake就变成不可数名词,指蛋糕....
名词修饰名词,一般是命名现实中一个新的东西比如mooncake,moon和cake是两个东西(名词),mooncake是月饼,cup和coffee,从结构上是可以组合,但是组合出来的cupcoffee现实中有吗? 来自Android客户端3楼2022-02-02 23:57 收起回复 丿DARK丶二世 Pupil 1 coffee cup就是咖啡杯了,而不是一杯咖啡,a cup of 就是一杯...
coffee & cake Looking for a peaceful corner in the city 寻找城市里 的宁静角落 在繁忙喧嚣的城市丛林中 隐藏着许多温馨而独特的小店 它们不仅仅是提供饮品与美食的空间 更是城市中的一片片静谧绿洲 让疲惫的心灵得以小憩 接下来 就让我们一起探索这...
Easy Carrot Coffee Cake is an easy Homemade cake recipe that is so delicious it doesn’t even need a frosting. The perfect Breakfast, Snack or Dessert Cake.